Tag Archives: Washington State

Lower B&O taxes for manufacturers proposed to help reverse job losses

A bipartisan group of lawmakers are hoping to revive a reduction in the state’s business and occupation tax for manufacturers and reverse the trend of significant job losses in the sector. The proposal would implement a 40 percent reduction in the tax rate for manufacturers, which passed with overwhelming support during the 2017 legislative session, but was ultimately vetoed by Gov. Jay Inslee.

“Washington’s manufacturing sector has lost more than 50,000 jobs this century,” said Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, who sponsored and negotiated the 2017-19 budget which originally included the change. “Manufacturing jobs are critical to helping rural and suburban areas experience some of the same economic success urban communities have seen in recent years. We know we can afford this strategic investment since we paid for it in the current budget and are now projected to collect $1 billion more than we expected just seven months ago.”

The legislation phases in a reduction from a tax rate of 0.4840% down to 0.2904% by lowering it 10% annually over four years. That would bring all manufacturing businesses down to the same rate paid by Boeing and other aerospace businesses.

Manufacturing employment is the only sector in Washington to see job losses in the 21st century.  Of the jobs lost, 47,200 have been outside of the aerospace sector.

The new proposal includes a tax preference performance statement which highlights that the change is intended to create and retain jobs, improve industry competitiveness, and reduce structural inefficiencies.

Lawmakers are on day 16 of a short 60-day legislative session scheduled to end March 8.

Using unexpected revenue to reduce taxes

With state tax collections and projected revenues continuing to rise (see chart), I have proposed using up to $1 billion of unexpected tax dollars coming into the state to smooth next year’s transition to Washington’s new education-funding system.

While more than 70 percent of state taxpayers will see a net property-tax decrease once reforms are phased in, the new K-12 funding system has the entire state slated for a tax-rate increase of $0.81 per $1,000 assessed value in 2018.

Creating an equitable and long-term education funding system for our state required a great deal of compromise. Anything more than a short-term property-tax increase necessary to transition between funding systems was not my preferred method.

Ultimately, a one-year increase was necessary to reach a bipartisan agreement.

Every year our state’s chief economist issues quarterly, four-year revenue projections. My proposal would use 75 percent of the unexpected revenue growth – the amount that exceeds the June 2017 forecast – over the next four years to reduce the impacts of the $0.81 state property-tax rate increase in 2018.

The most recent quarterly forecast anticipates another $500 million coming into the state under the current tax structure (again, money beyond what was forecast in June), which would reduce the current $0.81 rate increase to less than $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value.

With the Legislature having already passed a budget that balances and provides property tax relief for a majority of our state over the next four years, this approach would provide us with an opportunity to amply fund state government and reduce the short-term impact on working families and people with fixed incomes.

Use unexpected tax revenues to reduce short-term property-tax impacts

With state tax collections and projected revenues continuing to rise, Sen. John Braun says he’s willing to use up to $1 billion of unexpected revenue to smooth next year’s transition to the new education-funding system lawmakers adopted in June.

While more than 70 percent of state taxpayers will see a net property-tax decrease once reforms are phased in, the Legislature’s overhaul of the K-12 funding system has the entire state slated for a tax-rate increase of $0.81 per $1,000 assessed property value in 2018.

“Creating an equitable and long-term education funding system for our state required a great deal of compromise,” said Braun, R-Centralia, who serves as chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and a member of the education funding negotiating team. “Anything more than a short-term property-tax increase necessary to transition between funding systems was not my preferred method. Ultimately, a one-year increase was necessary to reach an agreement across the aisle.

“Having heard similar concerns about property-tax increases from the governor and my Democratic colleagues, I expect we will see bipartisan support for this legislation.”

Every year state government issues quarterly, four-year revenue projections. Braun proposes using 75 percent of the unexpected revenue growth – the amount that exceeds the June 2017 forecast – over the next four years to reduce the impacts of the $0.81 state property-tax rate increase in 2018. The total offset to the state property tax would be capped at $1 billion.

“With the Legislature having already passed a budget that balances for the next four years, this would provide us with an opportunity to fully fund state government while reducing the impact on working families and people with fixed incomes,” said Braun.

Beginning in 2019, under Washington’s new education funding system, a school district’s local levy will be limited to a maximum of $1.50/$1,000 of assessed property value, up to $2,500 per student. Braun said more than 70 percent of state property owners will have a lower tax rate between 2019 and 2021 than they do now, even if all school districts fully utilize local levy capacity. The amount of people receiving property tax relief would grow if school districts used only a portion or none of their locally allowable levy.

Once this year’s education-funding reforms are phased in school districts will receive the same or more money in state funding alone as they currently take from state and local taxes combined.

Economic Sense: Education Equality Act

Repairing an Unconstitutional K-12 Funding System

Education Equality Act:

Ample, Equitable & Student-Centered

It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders.” – Art. IX, Sec. 1 of the Washington State Constitution.

Bottom Line Up Front

Unconstitutional System:

Washington’s K-12 funding system is irrational and inequitable.

Wealthy districts receive more funding per pupil & have lower tax rates vs. less affluent areas with more challenging student needs.

This inequity is created by an unconstitutional reliance on local levies to support schools and a funding model focused on adult characteristics rather than student needs.


The Education Equality Act ends this unconstitutional scheme with a funding model that is ample, equitable, and student-centered.

The Particulars of the Education Equality Act – A Primer (1)

Institutes a Per Pupil Funding Model

  • Provides $10,000 base per pupil funding for every student.
    • Additional supports for students with greater needs:
      • $7,500 for special education;
      • $2,000 for students in poverty ($5,000 for districts with high percentage poverty);
      • $1,000 for English Language Learners;
      • $1,500 for homeless students;
      • doubles funding for highly capable students;
      • and doubles funding for career and technical education students.
  • $12,500 guarantee – Each district guaranteed to receive at least $12,500 in total funds – not counting local levies – per student. This means $250,000 per classroom of twenty students.
  • Holds districts harmless so no district receives less funding than current law.

Eliminates Unconstitutional Reliance on Inequitable Local School Levies

  • Wealthy districts currently have higher per pupil funding and lower tax rates than high poverty districts – the opposite of an equitable system focused on the needs of all students.
  • Rates range from $1.20 per $1,000 of assessed property value in Seattle and Bellevue to over $4 in such districts as Federal Way, Bethel, Aberdeen, Pasco, Tacoma, Shelton, Spokane, Moses Lake, and Franklin Pierce ($5.38). Yet with lower poverty rates, Seattle and Bellevue have substantially higher total per-pupil funding than these other districts.
  • The Education Equality Act absorbs and replaces all currently collected local levies with a single uni- form rate and prioritizes $6 billion of revenue growth toward education over the next four years.
    • $1.55 rate would be substantially lower than $2.54 rate local levies currently average.
    • 83% of taxpayers would see a lower tax rate than they currently pay.

Result: $1,500 per pupil average increase statewide, without any local levies

  • $11,870 per pupil total funding in current school year (includes local levies).(2)
  • $13,310 per pupil in 2020-21 (no local levies).(3)
  • Every district receives more funds.
  • Greater increases in high poverty areas: (4)
    • Toppenish (48% students below census poverty line) – $2,900 increase per pupil
    • Omak (27% students below census poverty line) – $3,670 increase per pupil
    • Yakima (35% students below census poverty line) – $2,130 increase per pupil
  • $14,430 per pupil if voters approve limited local levies. (5)
    • In calendar year 2020, districts may seek voter approval for 10% levy.

The Ample, Equitable & Student-Centered Approach

I. Ample

A.  K-12 makes up more than 50% of the state budget for first time in over 35 years.

The Senate budget increases state K-12 spending by $3.7 billion from the current biennium. In addition to the per pupil funding approach, the budget reduces K- 3 class size throughout the entire state from 25 to 17. (6)

The end result?  K-12 is 50.7% of the state budget, a level not seen since 1981. (7)

B.  Doubling K-12 State Spending since McCleary ruling

In 2012, when the McCleary decision was issued, the state spent $13.5 billion on K-12 education. In 2019, the Senate proposal would spend $27.6 billion, more than doubling state funding in less than a decade. (8)

C.  Senate Puts More State Funding into K-12 than House

There have been attempts to portray the House budget as better for K-12 funding than the Senate. It is important to understand this argument for what it is: entirely a debate about how much local levy authority to allow. The Senate provides more state funding than the House. But the House proposes substantially higher local levy authority, permitting districts to raise more funds than allowed by current law. This makes the current unconstitutional system worse. Local levy inequity creates huge per pupil and taxpayer inequities. Allowing even more local levy collection will perpetuate and exacerbate that unconstitutional inequity. The state Constitution is clear: it is the state’s paramount duty to fund public schools.

D.  Guarantees $250,000 per classroom without any local levies

The Education Equality Act ensures every school district receives at least $250,000 in funding to educate classrooms of twenty students.

II. Equitable

“Wealthy areas have lower tax rates and higher funding per pupil than high poverty areas.”

Here is an example of how our current K-12 system is inequitable: (9)

Financing a school system with too much reliance on local levies results in the unconstitutional system we have today:

  • Inequitable funding rates per pupil,
  • Inequitable taxpayer rates in communities, and
  • Most importantly, and unsurprisingly – inequitable outcomes.

This levy-reliant system harms children in less affluent areas – asking their families to pay a higher tax rate to support schools & generating less money than wealthy areas. A double whammy; creating a downward spiral that not only underfunds schools but puts pressure on the local economy and drives rates higher.

This is precisely why the state constitution made it a requirement for the STATE to make ample provision for education.  The reliance on local levies is wildly unfair.

Fixing the Inequity: Flat Uniform Rate Across State (Coupled with Per Pupil Funding Model)

The Education Equality Act absorbs and replaces all the various local levies with a uniform $1.55 rate for taxpayers across the state. Coupled with the per-pupil funding approach, this resolves both the taxpayer inequity and the funding inequity present in the current system. Equal funding will support equal opportunity for all children.

1.   83% of residents would see a tax reduction by going to a uniform $1.55 rate

Thirty-six of the thirty-nine counties would see a tax reduction for the majority of residents, including 100% of residents in large counties such as Pierce, Snohomish, Clark, and Thurston. (10)

A full breakout of the individual county impacts is attached as Appendix A.

2. King County: End Inequity of Federal Way Homeowner Paying More School Taxes on $300,000 home than Bellevue owner pays on $1 million home.

This is not a rural vs. urban issue. This is property wealthy vs. non-property wealthy.

Current law:

Federal Way ($300,000 home) $4.23 levy $1,269 tax bill
Bellevue ($1 million home) $1.20 levy $1,200 tax bill

Education Equality Act proposal:

Federal Way ($300,000 home) $1.55 levy $465 tax bill
Bellevue ($1 million home) $1.55 levy $1,550 tax bill

Only four districts in King County would see tax increase: Seattle, Bellevue, Mercer Island, and Lake Washington. The remaining 16 districts would see a tax reduction. (11)

3. Property tax increase on Wealthy Areas is Comparatively Small

A $2 million home on Mercer Island would pay $460 more a year in taxes. (While a $250,000 homeowner in Tacoma would see a $692 tax reduction.)

III. Student Centered

A.  Improving Educational Opportunities & Funding for All Students

The Education Equality Act allows the Legislature to provide uniform educational funding opportunities to all students, in line with the constitution and immune to local economic conditions. It also focuses funding equally on the areas of greatest need.

Students and teachers who walk into Pasco and Yakima classrooms deserve the same amount of state sup- port for their actual and unique educational needs as students living in affluent King County communities like Medina and Mercer Island.

By establishing a guaranteed level of funding, then adding resources in certain situations, state government can enable schools in economically depressed areas to provide the same advanced-study or training opportunities for students as those schools in wealthy areas.

The Education Equality Act will enable school districts to provide for the unique needs of all students by delivering ample, dependable and equitable funding.

Accomplishing this requires repealing the existing prototypical funding model in favor of a statewide per- student funding system.

We set a $10,000 annual per-student funding amount and, recognizing that students have different needs, provide additional funding based on student characteristics, including:

  • $2,000-5,000 per student from a low-income family.
  • $7,500 per special-education student.
  • $1,000 per English-language learner.
  • $1,500 per homeless student.
  • Double the state funding for highly capable students.
  • Double the state funding for vocational education (career and technical education).

Districts would then be guaranteed to receive from the state a total funding amount of at least $12,500 per pupil. (12)

The Senate plan seeks to improve educational outcomes for all students, with an emphasis on bringing the lowest-performing students up to the level of high-performing students.

B.  Ending Adult-Centric Funding Model that Perpetuates Funding Inequities

Washington is one of only seven states still using an education-funding model that experts agree creates inequities (the others being Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming and North Carolina).

Washington’s method has students with the highest needs seeing less financial support. That disconnect stems not only from the reliance on local levies but also from a little-known but incredibly important method called the “staff mix” funding formula that drives money to schools based on the years of teaching experience of the staff in a particular building, not the actual educational and socioeconomic needs of the students in that building.

A recent article from the Seattle Times Education Lab project highlighted this major flaw in the adult- centered school-funding model:

“It’s ridiculous — either inadvertently ridiculous, or deviously ridiculous,” said school-funding expert Bruce Baker, a widely honored professor at New Jersey’s Rutgers University who describes such policies as “stealth inequities.” That is, poorly designed formulas which fail to correct, and sometimes rein- force, disparities between students. “Washington perplexes me,” Baker said in an interview. “It’s a progressive state, at least by reputation. But it’s unexpectedly not good on school funding.” (13)

A better way to fund schools looks at each student, asks “what does that student need?” then delivers the right amount of funds accordingly. It is a fundamentally different way of driving educational outcomes, providing greater flexibility and ending inequities.

C.  A “One Washington” Approach

The Senate-approved Education Equality Act would finally connect school funding with the actual cost of educating students – a landmark change from the status quo. By any credible measure, it represents a progressive approach for eliminating the educational-opportunity gap, and the associated social injustices, caused by inequitable differences in district-level funding.

This stands in stark contrast to proposals from the governor and House of Representatives that would in- crease funding for K-12, requiring unprecedented tax increases, yet exacerbate the inequities in the state’s outdated, adult-centered approach.

Their proposals would fail to solve the unconstitutional disparity between schools and school districts by widening the education-opportunity gap between low-income students (many of whom are of color) and students from higher-income areas.

Because it recognizes and addresses the shortcomings of the current model, the Senate proposal is the only reform available to the Legislature that would bring the state’s K-12 system into line with the “uniform” and “without preference” requirements of the state constitution and offer a truly “One Washington” approach to education.

The Education Equality Act is:

  • Ample – Providing more state funding for K-12 than the House;
  • Equitable – Ending the student funding & taxpayer inequities caused by relying on local levies to fund schools; and
  • Student-Centered – Enacting a per pupil funding model focused on students and their needs.

Sen. Braun’s E-newsletter – October 6, 2015

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Washington’s Paramount Duty

A look at education funding in our state


For the past 30 years, starting in the early 1980s, growth in general government spending outpaced the state’s investments in public education. Billions of dollars were diverted from the state’s paramount duty toward other state programs. As the state’s portion of education funding declined, that burden shifted to school-district taxpayers and their ability to raise funds through local levies. These two issues have culminated in the McCleary decision where the state Supreme court found the state was not meeting is constitutional duty to adequately provide for K-12 education.

In just a few short years, our Senate majority has been able to change that and make education the first priority in the state’s budget. Since 2013, education spending has increased by $4.5 billion and 47 percent of spending in the most recent budget is going to our K-12 system. However, funding is only part of the challenge. We also need common sense reforms to give teachers the freedom to do their jobs well and help schools and students succeed.

Looking ahead at the upcoming legislative session, we have more work to do to make the right investments for our students and provide a more equitable solution for school funding by the 2018 deadline. As we continue to prioritize schools in our state there will be many issues to address, but funding is a major piece of the puzzle. State Sen. Andy Hill, our lead budget writer, recently put out a series of policy papers that goes in depth on education funding and reform. Please see below for links to the three-part series.


Windows into the Budget

The Paramount Duty Series

Part I: 30 Years of Shirking the Paramount Duty & Understanding the Ruling that Followed

“It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders[.]”

– Article. 9, Sec. 1 of the Washington State Constitution

Despite being ascribed preeminent importance in Washington’s Constitution, education was a decidedly declining state budget priority over the last generation as non-education spending dominated budget growth from 1983 to 2013… Click Here to Read More


Part 2: Turning the tide–state spending radically reprioritized under Majority Coalition Caucus

The Majority Coalition Caucus (MCC) took the reins of the Senate in 2013, determined to turn the tide of the previous 30 years and reprioritize education. The results are as follows… Click Here to Read More.


Part 3: What’s left? Bringing fairness to K-12 funding via levy reform,debunking the myth that new taxes are needed,and the vital importance of education policy reforms

The quality of a child’s education should not depend on their ZIP Code.That is a fundamental principle that unites all of us in the Legislature, and while we cannot ultimately control the quality of a child’s education, we in the Legislature must ensure the funding system in place is equitable, regardless of where a child lives in our state.Sadly, that is not the case at present–and it must be remedied… Click Here to Read More.


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Phone:(360) 786-7638

                                    Website: johnbraun.src.wastateleg.org


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Pension reform must start at the top with elected officials

Senator John Braun picture
State Senator John Braun – “If 401(k) plans are good enough for Boeing machinists, they should be good enough for those who hold elected office.”
Via KPLU radio — “Republican John Braun on Wednesday said he will introduce legislation to end pensions for all elected officials in Washington. Click here for interview.
Braun is a freshman state senator and business owner who already doesn’t participate in the state pension system. He says he understands why some machinists were incensed recently when elected officials with pensions urged them to make concessions on theirs.
“For folks to say you need to take this deal and not be willing to is somewhat hypocritical,” Braun said.