Tag Archives: income

Braun denounces Senate-minority tax plan but says it deserves fair hearing

While Sen. John Braun has no interest in tax increases, he is interested in bringing more cooperation and bipartisanship to the state Capitol – and that’s why the 20th District lawmaker will spend part of Valentine’s Day listening to proposals from the Senate minority that would raise taxes on Washingtonians by more than $38 billion.

“The voters sent a strong no-new-taxes message in November. Still, several of my colleagues in the Senate minority think this would be a great time to go for everything from new income taxes to a tax on plastic bags,” said Braun, R-Centralia.

“Those of us from the Senate Majority Coalition Caucus who serve on the Senate budget committee are going to let them make their case Thursday – and frankly, I suspect the public will be shocked and disappointed to realize how eager some legislators are to add to the tax burden on job creators and working families.” Continue reading