Sen. Braun’s first speech, in which he supports families of fallen soldiers
Sen. John Braun testifying before the Senate floor in support of Senate Bill 5161, which would authorize families of United States armed forces members who died while in service to apply for gold star license plates. This is also Sen. Braun’s first official floor speech in support of a bill....
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Sen. Braun’s fourth weekly video
In this week’s video, Sen. John Braun discusses first cutoff, stabilizing the private sector, improved education funding, jobs and adding a private option to the state’s monopolistic workers’ compensation system.
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Braun denounces Senate-minority tax plan but says it deserves fair hearing
While Sen. John Braun has no interest in tax increases, he is interested in bringing more cooperation and bipartisanship to the state Capitol – and that’s why the 20th District lawmaker will spend part of Valentine’s Day listening to proposals from the Senate minority that would raise taxes on Washingtonians...
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Sen. Braun’s third weekly video
Senator John Braun, R-Centralia, talks about training wage, teen unemployment, jobs and tax reform. Did you know that teen unemployment went from 102,465 in 2001 to 56,153 in 2011*? A bill introduced in the legislature will try to help. *Numbers based on a report issued by the Washington State Employment...
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Braun talks about new workers’ comp. bill
Washington State’s 20th District Senator, John Braun, R-Centrailia, and Chair of the Senate Trade and Economic Development Committee, says Oregon’s private-insurance option has helped to lower the rates for employers, improve the quality of care for injured workers and reduced the amount of time-loss incurred.
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Braun proposes to end state’s monopoly on workers’ compensation coverage
20th District senator’s bill would give employers choice when buying industrial insurance OLYMPIA… Washington is one of only a handful of states that do not allow employers to choose between a state agency and private carriers when shopping for industrial insurance, also known as workers’ compensation. Sen. John Braun says...
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Sen. Braun’s second weekly video
Senator John Braun discusses jobs and education reform during his weekly video. He also talks about his decision to repeal the insurance portion of family leave./
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Business owners testify in support of workers’ comp reform
Several business owners from around the state talk about supporting reform of the current workers’ compensation system. All of them agreed the cost of the system is wrecking thier chance to pay thier employees more, add new employees, or increase benefits.
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Sen. Braun talks paid family leave on Q13 Fox News
Sen. John Braun, R-Chehalis, speaks to Q13’s C.R. Douglas about repealing the unfunded insurance portion of family leave. The bill does not repeal current federal, state or city family medical leave statutes.
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