February 22, 2019

Braun questions bill to stall move to smaller K-3 class sizes

OLYMPIA…Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, said he is dismayed by new legislation that would again delay long-standing efforts to reduce K-3 class sizes. Braun, an architect of the landmark education-funding updates enacted in 2017, had cautioned against the same move in 2018: “Research shows that smaller class sizes in grades K-3...
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February 15, 2019

Braun offers caution after committee endorses levy-lift bill

OLYMPIA…Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia and an architect of the landmark education-funding updates enacted in 2017, raised concerns about the future of those reforms following a vote today in the Senate committee on K-12 education. A majority of the committee members approved Senate Bill 5313, which would allow property-tax hikes by...
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February 06, 2019

Sexual-harassment data within state government needs tracking, senators say

OLYMPIA…Legislation introduced today would require all three branches of state government to track and submit data regarding sexual harassment of employees for detailed annual reports that would be public. Sen. John Braun and Sen. Ann Rivers come at Senate Bill 5845 from different directions but are sponsoring it with the...
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January 28, 2019

Braun encouraged by pushback to ‘booth renter’ bill

OLYMPIA…Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia and a member of the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, offered this following a hearing today on controversial legislation that would affect thousands of hairstylists, barbers and cosmetologists who offer their services as independent contractors at a booth or chair they rent from a shop or...
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January 22, 2019

Republican-led special-education proposal goes far beyond funding

OLYMPIA…Major new legislation introduced today in the state Senate would address parent-centered concerns about special-education services through a combination of policy updates and funding. The approach is reminiscent of the comprehensive 2017 proposal that ultimately moved Washington’s K-12 funding system into the 21st century. “We have an opportunity this year to support big...
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January 09, 2019

Braun asks salary-setting commission to reconsider large raise for state lawmakers

While the Washington Citizens’ Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials solicits public feedback on its proposal to increase state legislator pay, Sen. John Braun sent the panel a letter on Monday urging reconsideration of a nearly 18 percent raise before a final vote. The commission is tasked with determining the...
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December 13, 2018

Governor’s budget demands billions more from taxpayers despite record revenue

With an unprecedented amount of money in state government’s reserves and plenty of tax revenue coming in to address mental-health treatment and other bipartisan priorities, Sen. John Braun saw no need for Gov. Jay Inslee to demand even more from Washington taxpayers. Yet after the governor released his 2019-21 operating...
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October 25, 2018

Charter public schools constitutional, remain an option for Washington students

Voter-approved charter public schools will remain available to students after today’s Washington State Supreme Court ruling upheld their constitutionality. Sen. John Braun said the court’s affirmation that 2016 legislation corrected constitutional infirmities with the original initiative will ensure charter public schools remain one of many tools the state has to...
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October 09, 2018

Progress on new Chamber Way overpass and upcoming road closure

Two years after the Chamber Way overpass of I-5 in Chehalis was damaged by a large truck, the new bridge is complete and the Washington State Department of Transportation is preparing to finish the connections and open it to the public. In order to complete the project Chamber Way will...
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