January 14, 2018

Education funding update

Last year I provided many updates on what lawmakers proposed and ultimately passed to provide a high-quality education for all children. The end result was a historic investment that not only amply funds our public schools but also makes education more equitable throughout the state. Since 2012, the Legislature will...
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January 13, 2018

Property tax relief for all Washingtonians

The share of property taxes paid by homeowners compared to commercial properties has increased significantly in recent decades. I proposed legislation to provide equitable tax relief by creating a homestead property tax exemption. The policy would exempt the first $100,000 of a homeowner’s assessed value from state property taxes. If passed...
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January 12, 2018

2018 session underway

State lawmakers returned to Olympia on Monday for what is scheduled to be a short 60-day session. Since we adjourned in July, the dynamic has shifted as Democrats won a special election in November, giving them a narrow majority in the Senate for the first time since 2012. We accomplished...
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January 09, 2018

Braun proposes separate districts for House elections

Legislation increases ability of lawmakers to contact voters and diversifies geographic representation in Legislature With this year’s Legislature set to review a variety of voting reforms, Sen. John Braun is calling for the state to divide legislative districts into two distinct House districts under a bill released today. Two House...
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December 14, 2017

Sen. John Braun statement on Gov. Inslee’s 2018 supplemental budget plan

Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia and the ranking Republican on the Senate Ways and Means Committee, gave this statement after Gov. Jay Inslee unveiled his 2018 supplemental budget proposal Thursday morning.   “I’m encouraged by a few components of the governor’s budget plan. I’m glad he is finally adhering to the...
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December 01, 2017

Students invited to apply for 2018 Senate Page Program

The Washington State Senate is currently accepting applications for the 2018 Senate Page Program, where students ages 14 to 16 spend one week at the Capitol working in the Senate. Sen. John Braun encourages students to apply for the program, which provides a front-row seat to the legislative process. “With...
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November 15, 2017

Court recognizes Legislature’s historic education investments

A ruling today by the Washington State Supreme Court largely endorses the bipartisan school-funding reforms recently adopted by the Legislature in line with the 2012 McCleary ruling, according to Sen. John Braun. “Providing students with the support they need and deserve required us to solve a generational problem with a...
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October 17, 2017

Last call for internship applications

It’s final call to college juniors and seniors interested in the Legislature’s 2018 internship program. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, October 18th at 8 p.m.  Each year, 70 students are selected to participate and spend the legislative session on the Capitol campus working in legislator offices. Students are paid...
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October 17, 2017

Improving access to higher education

With all of the attention on K-12 education this year, some other important issues didn’t always receive the public discussion and recognition they deserve. One of the many important items we continued tackling this year was our state’s tuition policy. As I’ve mentioned in previous emails, the decade before 2013...
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