Braun: governor to sign costly legislation stripping rights from home care workers
The governor is scheduled to sign legislation today contracting out employment of the state’s 35,000 individual home care providers, which will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, take away workers’ rights and hide negotiations from public disclosure, according to Sen. John Braun. The bill privatizing management of Washington’s home...
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Braun: Democrat budget overspends, underperforms
The supplemental operating budget approved today by the Washington State Legislature did so without support from Sen. John Braun, who cited the lack of fiscal responsibility and meager property tax relief as primary reasons. The spending plan passed with the lowest amount of support of any operating budget since 2009....
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Braun: Democrats seek to dismantle voter approved rainy day fund
Although state government expects to take in $2.3 billion in additional tax revenue, the Senate Democrat majority is still looking to raid budget reserves using what Sen. John Braun called a felony budget gimmick. Braun said the Democrats’ proposed amendment to Senate Bill 6614 violates the spirit and intent of...
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Supporters of tax reduction for boat manufacturers make the case for expanding it to all
The Senate Ways and Means Committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing this afternoon on legislation reducing the state business and occupation tax for manufacturers of marine vessels and related parts. Sen. John Braun supports this bill, but continued calls for expanding it to all manufacturers, a policy that...
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Celebrating Centralia’s Founder George Washington
I was very proud to sponsor a Senate Resolution honoring Centralia’s founder George Washington as we celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birthday. Our George Washington was an African-American pioneer who founded Centralia in 1875 after running a pole ferry across the Chehalis River. Washington overcame many significant hardships to...
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Property tax relief for all Washingtonians, cut tuition and invest in mental health treatment
Senator Braun Budget Summary With the state Legislature nearing the end of a short 60-day session, Sen. John Braun today released a supplemental budget proposal, which addresses many of the concerns found in both Senate and House Democratic plans released earlier this week. Braun said his legislation would provide nearly...
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Braun: Stark differences between House and Senate budget proposals
With release of distinctly different supplemental budget proposals by Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate, Sen. John Braun sees significant, but not impossible challenges ahead for the two majorities to find common ground before the legislative session ends Mar. 8. Braun, R-Centralia, serves as the ranking member on...
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Braun: Senate budget proposal a positive step, despite significant issues to address
Sen. John Braun said the new supplemental budget proposal publicly released by Senate Democrats earlier today leaves the door open for bipartisan engagement. Lawmakers are in the final stretch of a short 60-day session to update the state’s two-year operating budget, passed last year. “Early indicators show that the Senate...
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Telephone Town Hall Meeting
Please join me for a telephone town hall meeting on Monday, February 19. The community conversation will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last one hour. Representative Ed Orcutt and I will share a brief update on the 2018 legislative session and spend most of the time answering your questions. The event is much like...
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