Legislative Democrats are on the wrong side of parents’ rights
On Monday of this week, I sat for an interview with John Roberts of FOX News to discuss Senate Bill 5181, which would undermine the Parents’ Rights Act that resulted from Initiative 2081 last year. (Click the photo above to watch my interview.) I was invited to respond to a statement made by...
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Braun proposes transforming The Evergreen State College to address Washington’s growing health-care workforce crisis
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, introduced a bill today that would better position Washington to manage the critical demand for 3.2 million additional health-care workers within the next five years. Senate Bill 5424 would change the mission of The Evergreen State College (TESC), which, as an institution of higher...
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Three initiatives to the Legislature go to the ballot – learn more
Three of the six initiatives to the Legislature passed and will become law. They will ban a personal income tax in Washington, restore “reasonable suspicion” as the standard for police vehicular pursuit, and protect parents’ right to know in their children’s K-12 public education. Majority Democrats refused to grant hearings...
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Senate budget funds measures to combat fentanyl addiction, overdoses
OLYMPIA – Republican proposals to tackle skyrocketing fentanyl usage and overdose deaths in Washington state are funded in the operating budget passed by the Washington Senate. The $71.6 billion budget bill contains funding for local law enforcement task forces, a public education campaign focused on opioids and tribal opioid prevention...
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Newsletter: Hearings planned for three initiatives — what about the others?
Watch: Debunking false claims about impact of initiatives 2109 and 2117 Dear Friends and Neighbors, I sent out an e-blast yesterday to alert you to the opportunity to sign in to testify in support of the three initiative below, all of which are receiving hearings next week. This is a...
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Senate passes Wilson, Braun bills to tackle opioid addiction, overdose deaths
OLYMPIA – Washington state’s fast-rising rate of opioid addiction and overdose deaths are targeted by a pair of bills that emerged from the state Senate this week, sponsored by Sens. John Braun, R-Centralia and Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver. Both measures passed the Senate 49-0 and now move to the House. The...
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Property tax increase bill dies, won’t get a vote
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, made the following comments in reaction to the announcement that the proposal to allow local governments to raise property taxes by up to 3% annually without a vote of the people is dead for this legislative session. The Democratic sponsor of Senate Bill...
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Letter to Gov. Inslee regarding Green Hill School
Sent to Gov. Jay Inslee on Feb. 9, 2024 Governor Inslee, It’s no secret that the environment at Green Hill School in Chehalis has become extremely dangerous for students and staff. News reports have shown you claiming the situation at the facility is improving. The reports of repeated riots,...
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Bill to protect rights of victims and survivors passes Senate
OLYMPIA…A bill sponsored by Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, that would prioritize the safety of crime victims by expanding their right to be informed of the trial and sentencing hearing of the offender in their case passed the Senate unanimously Tuesday. Senate Bill 5635 applies to victims and the...
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