Newsletter: The good, the bad and the ugly — notable bills that passed this session
Friends and Neighbors, The 2024 legislative session wraps up today. The 2025 session doesn’t begin until next January. In the meantime, we move into the period called “interim,” when legislators return to their districts and their regular lives… while continuing to respond to questions and concerns from their constituents. This...
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Three initiatives to the Legislature go to the ballot – learn more
Three of the six initiatives to the Legislature passed and will become law. They will ban a personal income tax in Washington, restore “reasonable suspicion” as the standard for police vehicular pursuit, and protect parents’ right to know in their children’s K-12 public education. Majority Democrats refused to grant hearings...
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Legislative hat trick a win for people of Washington, says Braun
OLYMPIA…Half of the initiatives sent to the Legislature by the people of Washington passed in both chambers of the Legislature today with bipartisan support. Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, released the following comments after the final vote was cast. “The passage of three of the six initiatives today is...
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Braun reacts to Senate majority leader’s announcement he won’t run for reelection in 2024
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, released the following statement upon learning that his Democrat counterpart will not run for reelection. Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, D-Spokane, will finish out his current term and step down. “I congratulate Senator Billig on 14 years of distinguished service in the Washington State...
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A triple win for the citizens of Washington
Friends and Neighbors, I am pleased to report that the Washington State Senate and House of Representatives voted today to pass three of the citizen initiatives to the Legislature. They will become law 90 days after March 7 — the day we adjourn. And because they are initiatives, the governor...
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Legislature approves Braun bills to increase funding for small schools
OLYMPIA…Bills sponsored by Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, that would increase small-school access to special-education funding and student-transportation funding were passed by the House of Representatives today. Senate Bill 5852 was passed with a unanimous vote and now heads to the governor’s office for a signature. Senate Bill 6031 passed with...
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Braun on initiative hearings: Three down, three to go
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, released the following comments after the conclusion of the hearings for three of the 2024 initiatives submitted by the people of Washington to the Legislature. The initiatives receiving hearings yesterday and today are I-2111, to ban an income tax; I-2081, to protect parents’ rights...
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Senate budget funds measures to combat fentanyl addiction, overdoses
OLYMPIA – Republican proposals to tackle skyrocketing fentanyl usage and overdose deaths in Washington state are funded in the operating budget passed by the Washington Senate. The $71.6 billion budget bill contains funding for local law enforcement task forces, a public education campaign focused on opioids and tribal opioid prevention...
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Newsletter: Hearings planned for three initiatives — what about the others?
Watch: Debunking false claims about impact of initiatives 2109 and 2117 Dear Friends and Neighbors, I sent out an e-blast yesterday to alert you to the opportunity to sign in to testify in support of the three initiative below, all of which are receiving hearings next week. This is a...
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