February 04, 2013

Sen. Braun’s second weekly video

Senator John Braun discusses jobs and education reform during his weekly video. He also talks about his decision to repeal the insurance portion of family leave./
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February 04, 2013

Business owners testify in support of workers’ comp reform

Several business owners from around the state talk about supporting reform of the current workers’ compensation system. All of them agreed the cost of the system is wrecking thier chance to pay thier employees more, add new employees, or increase benefits.
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February 01, 2013

Sen. Braun talks paid family leave on Q13 Fox News

Sen. John Braun, R-Chehalis, speaks to Q13’s C.R. Douglas about repealing the unfunded insurance portion of family leave. The bill does not repeal current federal, state or city family medical leave statutes.
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January 28, 2013

Braun bill would help relieve business burdens

Washington State’s 20th District Senator, John Braun, R-Centrailia, and Chair of the Senate Trade and Economic Development Committee, talks about his bill to help businesses in Washington State by repealing the never-funded paid family leave insurance provision of the 2007 family and medical leave act.
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January 28, 2013

Sen. John Braun reflects on his first two weeks in office

Washington State’s 20th District Freshman Senator, John Braun, R-Centrailia, and Chair of the Senate Trade and Economic Development Committee, talks about his first two weeks of the 2013 legislative session in Olympia.
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January 25, 2013

Sen. Braun’s First Weekly Video

Sen. Braun talks about his goals for the 2013 session, which include creating a better environment for job growth, funding education and balancing the state budget without raising taxes.
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January 21, 2013

Braun backs measure requiring two-thirds majority vote for tax hikes

Proposed amendment would add supermajority requirement to state’s constitution OLYMPIA… Inspired by the repeated passage of initiatives requiring a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to raise taxes, Sen. John Braun is sponsoring Senate Joint Resolution 8200, which would let Washington voters decide whether to permanently add that supermajority standard to...
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January 16, 2013

Sen. John Braun Oath of Office

Sen. John Braun today took the oath of office to become the new senator representing the 20th Legislative District. Braun, R-Centralia, looks forward to his role as chairman of the Senate Trade and Economic Development Committee and to upholding the principles of the new Majority Coalition Caucus, a bipartisan coalition...
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January 15, 2013

Braun sworn in as new 20th Legislative District senator

For Release:                                                        For Interview Contact: Jan. 14, 2013                                                       Sen. John Braun (360) 786-7638 Braun sworn in as new 20th Legislative District senator Assignments include serving as chairman of economic development committee OLYMPIA… Sen. John Braun today took the oath of office to become the new senator representing the 20th...
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