
February 17, 2017

Right to hunt and fish would be constitutionally protected

Washington voters would decide in this year’s general election whether or not to enshrine the right to hunt and fish in the state constitution under a proposal sponsored by Sen. John Braun. If approved, the state would become the 22nd to constitutionally protect both activities. “Hunting is a major part...
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February 07, 2017

Rochester student serves as page for Senator Braun

Jaden Dean, an eighth-grade student from Rochester Middle School, spent a week working as a page for the Washington State Senate at the Capitol in Olympia. Jaden was one of 15 students who served as Senate pages for the second week of the 2017 legislative session. He was sponsored by...
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January 17, 2017

Centralia student serves as page for Senator Braun

Daniel Hoel, a 10th- grade homeschooled student from Centralia, spent a week working as a page for the Washington State Senate at the Capitol in Olympia. Daniel was one of 15 students who served as Senate pages for the first week of the 2017 legislative session. He was sponsored by...
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December 14, 2016

Governor’s priorities clear from irresponsible tax-increase proposal

Following the release of the governor’s proposed two-year operating budget today, Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, questioned the impacts and need for what would be the largest tax and spending increase in state history. “While I’m pleased to see the governor shares our goal of a world-class education system, it’s disappointing...
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November 30, 2016

Braun letter takes Governor’s budget proposal to task – previous budget decisions were “indefensible”

In advance of the Governor’s budget submittal due in December, Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, sent the attached letter to the director of the Office of Financial Management. The letter seeks to ensure that recent collective bargaining agreements (CBAs),that were conducted in secret, are financially feasible as required by law. The...
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March 30, 2016

Braun lauds approval of bipartisan budget

Tuesday evening the Legislature approved a supplemental budget, concluding the legislative session. Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, voted in favor of the bipartisan proposal that makes minor adjustments to the state’s two-year operating budget approved last year. “This is a good supplemental,” lead budget negotiator Braun said. “It meets the requirements...
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February 17, 2016

Senate approves Braun bill to rein in authority of state agencies

Today the state Senate approved legislation introduced by Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia to limit the power of state agencies by changing the way they make rules. Senate Bill 6396 would require proposed rules to be submitted to the state attorney general’s office for an opinion on their constitutionality. In addition,...
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February 16, 2016

Senate approves Braun bill to bring timber money back to schools

The state Senate today approved Sen. John Braun’s legislation that would make permanent a state policy that returns money from federal timber sales to local schools. Senate Bill 6292 would eliminate the reduction of state school funding to districts based on what they receive in federal forest revenues. The measure...
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February 12, 2016

Braun stands for taxpayers, votes to put 2/3rds tax increase amendment to the people

Deputy Majority Leader Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia voted Friday to let Washingtonians have the final word on requiring a two-thirds majority in the Legislature to raise taxes. Senate Joint Resolution 8211, which would let voters decide on a constitutional amendment requiring a supermajority to raise taxes, failed to receive support...
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