
January 27, 2017

Senate majority presents landmark plan for K-12 funding — Education Equality Act would make student-centered, teacher-friendly reforms

OLYMPIA…Senate Majority Coalition Caucus members today introduced landmark reforms that would return state government to the role of primary provider for Washington’s K-12 schools while finally connecting school funding with the actual cost of educating students. The MCC’s Education Equality Act is the first complete, ready-for-voting solution proposed by lawmakers...
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March 30, 2016

Governor signs Braun legislation to extend insurance to student volunteers

Gov. Jay Inslee today signed Senate Bill 6293, sponsored by Sen. John Braun. The new law, which won unanimous legislative approval, will allow businesses to offer industrial insurance to unpaid interns and student volunteers. “This legislation will help expand opportunities for students to gain valuable experience in the workforce,” said...
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October 28, 2015

Brief filed by the Legislature to the State Supreme Court concerning public charter schools

Click on the image above to open the file.
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October 06, 2015

Sen. Braun’s E-newsletter – October 6, 2015

Washington’s Paramount Duty A look at education funding in our state Greetings, For the past 30 years, starting in the early 1980s, growth in general government spending outpaced the state’s investments in public education. Billions of dollars were diverted from the state’s paramount duty toward other state programs. As the...
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February 11, 2015

MEDIA ADVISORY: Sens. Bailey and Braun announce major revamp to college tuition

OLYMPIA… Students will join chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee, Sen. Barbara Bailey and Deputy Majority Leader, Sen. John Braun to unveil a new plan for higher education affordability in a news conference Thursday, Feb. 12.   Date:               Thursday, Feb. 12 at 12:45 p.m. Locations:      Senate Hearing Room 2,...
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June 25, 2014

My Visit to Centralia College ECEAP Program

Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, spent Tuesday night visiting with local preschool students in the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program at Centralia College, which heavily relies on state funding each year. Braun sat with the youths and helped them color pictures and play games. He said ECEAP is a high...
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April 03, 2014

20th District schools see more money from timber in supplemental budget

Recent budget negotiations by Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia have resulted in restoration of revenues to rural districts from forestry activities on federal lands. Local school districts would receive more than $350 thousand dollars under this legislation. Both House and Senate passed the measure today that partially eliminates reductions in basic...
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March 28, 2013

Braun unimpressed by governor’s tax-increase proposal

20th District senator asks why college students pay for state employee pay increases Sen. John Braun’s reaction to the governor’s proposed new taxes totaling $1.4 billion in the next two years, including tax increases on businesses, oil refineries, beer and bottled-water drinkers and out-of-state shoppers, is simple: “What happened to...
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March 14, 2013

Senators Braun, Holmquist Newbry celebrate passage of pro-jobs agenda

Majority Coalition Caucus leaders are pleased with bipartisan support The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee, Senators Janéa Holmquist Newbry and John Braun, celebrated the efforts of the Majority Coalition Caucus (MCC) to work collaboratively with several members of the minority to pass a number of...
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