OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, says Washington teachers don’t deserve to have incentive bonuses cut in half by Democrats.
Educators in Washington currently qualify for a bonus for achieving certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. They can receive an additional bonus for teaching in a school that the state classifies as “high poverty.” There are several districts in our area where teachers qualify for those bonuses, and they are critical for encouraging excellence among the state’s teachers.
Democrat-sponsored Senate Bill 5737 would slash the certification bonus nearly in half. It would also cut the bonus for teaching in a high-poverty school. Both bonuses would take effect for the 2025-26 school year and would be adjusted for inflation each year afterward.
The final budget proposal submitted to lawmakers by former Gov. Jay Inslee in December would eliminate the bonuses entirely. However, the $ave Washington budget proposal released this week by Senate Republicans leaves both teacher bonuses intact.
Braun offered this response to the backlash against the Democrats’ efforts to cut or eliminate them:
“Washington’s teachers deserve to be supported, not shortchanged. These bonuses help retain excellent educators, particularly in high-poverty schools where stability is critical. Instead of cutting these incentives nearly in half, Democrats should be focused on real solutions that support students and teachers alike, especially when we are demanding better student outcomes.
“The Republican budget keeps these bonuses intact because we recognize how they encourage self-improvement. The former governor wanted to eliminate them, and now Democrats are trying to slash them.
“The backlash Democrats are receiving because of this bill is completely understandable. The teachers’ bonuses are a valuable recruiting and retention tool and are seen as part of their salary package. It is wrong to cut them.”