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NEWSLETTER: The continuing attack on parents’ rights and taxpayers’ wallets
Dear Friends and Neighbors, Parents’ rights are still under attack in Olympia. Both the House and Senate versions of a bill to undo much of the Parents’ Rights Act – created less than a year ago through the bipartisan passage of Initiative 2081 – continue to advance through the legislative process. House Bill 1296 received...
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Munro showed what a difference one person can make, says Senate Republican Leader
Former secretary of state left his mark on Washington, advocated for disability rights, better social services, refugee housing, trail development, state parks and killer whales – just to name a few OLYMPIA – Former Secretary of State Ralph Munro left an enduring stamp on the state of Washington over a political career that spanned six...
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Braun: Slashing teacher bonuses unwise, unnecessary
OLYMPIA…Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, says Washington teachers don’t deserve to have incentive bonuses cut in half by Democrats. Educators in Washington currently qualify for a bonus for achieving certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. They can receive an additional bonus for teaching in a school that the state classifies as...
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Sen. John Braun, Rep. Peter Abbarno, Rep. Ed Orcutt to host virtual town hall for 20th District constituents
OLYMPIA…Republican legislators Sen. John Braun, Rep. Peter Abbarno, and Rep. Ed Orcutt, who represent the 20th Legislative District, will host a virtual town hall on Tuesday, March 25, at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom to connect with constituents and provide updates on the 2025 legislative session. During the live online event, Braun, Abbarno, and Orcutt will...
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Senate Republican leader: Democrats expected to push tax hikes to fund inequitable pay raises
OLYMPIA – Senate Republicans released their $ave Washington budget proposal Tuesday, proving the state budget that lawmakers must adopt for 2025-27 can be balanced without new taxes—despite a multibillion-dollar shortfall. Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, issued this statement about the Republican budget and Democrats’ push for billions in new and higher taxes: “We’re being...
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Senate Unanimously Passes Braun Bill to Improve Safety, Reduce Overcrowding in Juvenile Facilities
OLYMPIA – Legislation from Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia, to address overcrowding in Washington’s juvenile-justice facilities and improve safety for both staff and inmates was passed by the Senate unanimously today. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration. Senate Bill 5278 responds to ongoing issues at institutions like Green Hill School in...
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